Sunday, August 16, 2020


 JUST WHEN I THOUGHT IT WAS SAFE TO GO OUT again, Malaysia gets hit by a new highly infectious strain of Covid-19. 

Dated: Sunday 16.8.2020
Malaysia was happily going forward towards the new normal. Restaurants and bars had started business albeit with implemented SOPs and students returned to schools. Then, a mutated strain had "strayed" into our homeland. 
What was more frightening? It appears that the current vaccines being developed are probably going to be ineffective against this D614G  mutation strain. Is there no stopping this tiny bug from re-creating world havoc? Ahh...keep calm and carry on!
Dinners have to be cooked! So here I am dishing up "asam pedas" (spicy sour) fish head curry. OK, OK, Westerners are going "WHAAATT, fish heads? Well, fish heads are a real delicacy in Asia and it has a lot of meat too.
I use the "Mak Nyonya" brand of fish curry as I think it is the best for the spicy sour flavour. It is real easy and if Mak Nyonya brand is not available, any curry paste will do. Ingredients are fish slices for those adverse to fish heads, okra or ladies fingers as they are called in Asia, egg plants or brinjals, chillies and curry leaves. That's all, easy peasy, no fuss.
Fry fish coated with salt and turmeric in a little oil. The turmeric takes the fishy smell away. Remove from pan.
 Oh oh... my fish head looks pretty angry. 
Fry the fish curry paste (no oil needed) until it bubbles. Add water and all the vegetables.
Leave everything to simmer along for around 10 minutes.
Return the unhappy fish heads into the wok. I usually place the fish on top of the veggies so they stay whole. Simmer for another 10 minutes scooping the curry over the fish heads. Switch off fire, cover and leave to cook in own heat. 
Serve with Indian breads. I was going to take a pix of my meal but I was so hungry I forgot. Sorry.
The selection of fishes available in the market today. But the fish heads were bidding me to take them home.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: New Straits Times and the The Star newspapers.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry to hear that your country has been hit with a new and improved (not) version of the virus.
    As a vegetarian your curry is not for me - but I am glad you liked it.
