Saturday, July 18, 2020


Thory and Belle getting more attention in one hour than what they get in one day.
 Yesterday, Boey, her son Mel Han and wife Mei Keng came over for a visit. Boey wanted to give me the owl T shirt she drew, 
another chilli red T-shirt, a colouring book on cathedral stained glass windows (of which I have started) 
  and my 2020 qigong calender (opps, we are already in July).
All presents long overdue, cos' of the five month disruption from the infamous coronavirus.

     And guess who was the most excited and got maximum quantities of pets and stomach rubs. Thory was already jumping all over them once the car door was opened. He was running all around finding new angles to “greet” them.

   Of course, like all children, Thory had to embarrass his owner by pleading for snacks

AND sniffing in the wrong places. 
And after blogging about masks yesterday, Boey gave me this classic one. 
"Visit us again, always welcome" says Belle. 
Belle's pix taken by Mel Han.


  1. Awww.
    So lovely, so heartwarming.
    I look forward to seeing more of your stained glass windows too.

    1. Haha, TQ. Took 3 days to complete glass windows, colouring it off and on

  2. Replies
    1. Nice to cuddle with on a rainy day, thanks

  3. You should have fun watching all these and you have so friendly pets to greet them all. We had one that don't allow anyone to touch unless they are very familiar and seeing yours i feel missing her. Love to see how the window sketching comes out.
    Sorry, I accidentally deleted your recent comment on umbrellas before i read.
    Take care

    1. I also had one dog who was so fierce, no one but family could go close. Snowy was a very good watch dog though.

  4. Wouw .... beautiful Terri and Belle. Very similar to snow wolf.
    Greetings to both of them 🙂

  5. Both doggies are white but much smaller than snow wolf breed
