Tuesday, August 30, 2022



The  handover of power from the British 65 years ago. This hibiscus (national flower) has two colours of our Malaysian flag. 

This speckled donut is much like our multiracial population. We come in different shapes, sizes and colour but we remain united in harmony. And everyone enjoys our National breakfast of coconut rice.

So on this public holiday, I have given myself permission to forget about house chores, exercise and work. 
Merdeka not only means independence, it is also means to be FREE.
And it looks like I am not the only one chillin'. Tecla is a purrfect fit in this bathroom basin.


  1. Selamat hari kemerdekaan Kak. Melihat foto-fotonya terutama tentang kuliner khasnya sana yaitu nasi lemak membuatku penasaran ingin mencobanya.. apalagi lauk pelengkapnya ayam dan cucumber juga lauk lain kelihatan sedap sekali. Donut adalah snack kesukaanku meski aku lebih suka yang topping gula halus...Selamat berlibur kak ^^ Have a nice day

  2. Enjoy your Merdeka Day!!
    The hibiscus is gorgeous!

  3. i love this post - it's quite uniting and lovely. Be free and be happy and Be Love.

  4. Your national flower is colorful, and I hope you had a good day while celebrating Merdeka! India, too, had its independence from the British in August (15).

  5. For someone the doughnut makes my mouth water
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  6. Selamat hari kemerdekaan Malaysia kak 😍❤️.. saya teringat dulu saat masih di Penang, aunty dan uncle di mana saya stayed, tiap hari kemerdekaan selalunya makan di luar, dan uncle suka sangat menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan Malaysia, Negaraku 😄. Rindu lah kat mereka..
