Sunday, June 27, 2021


 Today’s pre-dawn was amazing. The temperature was only 24 C as we had a thunderstorm last evening. 

Twenty-four degrees Celcius is WINTER here. I “jumped” into my shoes and raced out fast but not furious, in shorts and a thick long sleeve cotton T-shirt. Don’t LAUGH at me please, I am used to a sizzling hot and sweaty 30 C. Twenty-four degrees is COLD, I might catch a chill 🥶. To top it all, I was accompanied by the str🍓berry moon at 6.30am. The 🍓 moon is the June full moon. It was first named "strawberry" by the native American tribes as its appearance coincided with the 🍓 season in North America.  I missed its full elegance which appeared four days earlier on 24th June. It was a cloudy night then. But I was lucky to catch its remaining fragment before the break of dawn today. This was the last super moon for 2021. 

It is Sunday. Homes were still dark as most folks were sleeping-in. Besides, Malaysia is still under total lockdown and has been so since 25th May. Alas, it was just Sassy JAM, a clean and crisp dawn, a soft breeze and the 🍓strawberry moon.  With the glare from the street lamps playing with the colours of dawn, I walked alone. But, my mind was blessed with thoughts  of how during this catastrophic year, I had lost no one. I still dance with the broom as I sweep the garden and cook dinner with the flourish and flair of Benoit Blin, although dinner may not taste like Beniot Blin's. I  WILL NOT complain as long as I can still feel fresh air, sunshine, rain and the darkness before the dawn (my favourite time of the day).

With the break of dawn, the colours vanished 

together with the quiet as joggers claimed their routes.
The flowers of this moringa plant appeared clearly in the first lights,
 the orchids,
 and Cody.

Our neighbourhood cat Manja soaks up the morning rays. A new day has began.



  1. so the name is strawberry moon ?

    1. Yes, funny but the June full moon is called the 🍓 moon as it is the 🍓 season. I thought it was becos' the moon would be reddish in colour. How silly of me!

  2. I enjoyed your post. A bit lighthearted. Sorry that you are in lockdown for so long. Here we are lucky as we have no Corona atm.
    What a beautiful flowers and a gorgeous dog. 24 degrees is pretty warm for winter. Here it is at daytime around 10 C We have winter too. I know it can be hot in Malaysia I remember as we went there a long time ago and it was very hot and humid. A beautiful country though.

    1. We will get past this corona bit and one day look back and marvel our strength. Yes, it is always hot and humid here and afternoons can be a challenge going out.

  3. Beautiful, beautiful photos.
    24 degrees is my upper limit of comfort, but I do understand that it is verging on cold for you.
    And love that even through this dreadful time you have retained your priorities.

    1. My duck egg moon cannot compare with your dinner plate moon. I hope I will always be a happy person looking on the brighter side of life. TQ

  4. Replies
    1. TQ, I was surprised to see the moon as I had quite forgotten it was full moon time.

  5. Beautiful sightings! Good to have come across your blog! :)

  6. TQ, the time before dawn is so quiet, only the birds are chating.

  7. beautiful photos of moon...
    and the husky...very cute..want cuddling with the cute one ^^

    1. Cody is so friendly and he has beautiful blue coloured eyes characteristic of Siberian Huskies. He takes his daily morning walk with Mr Chong. I will cuddle him for you next time Nita!

  8. Love your pre-dawn shots. We too look forward to the cool morning breeze as we walk. Pretty flowers and an adorable dog.

  9. Refreshing shots over the moon in different shades of light and trees! I love the freshness of the morning, but my wake-up time is always not less than 8! The times I enjoy the dawn was only when we get ready for long trips. Nice flower captures

  10. Love your photo's, a nice cool morning for a run. Orchids, I love them.

    1. TQ I love orchids too and the blooms last for months. But said that they bloom far in-between.

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks Rajani, I didn t prepare to write this post until I saw the strawberry moon.

  12. Beautiful photos!

  13. Hi, and thank you for leaving a comment on my blog today. I enjoyed reading your post and seeing your lovely photos, I didn't know that June's moon was called a strawberry moon. 24°celcius is our summer here in the UK, heck, anything above 20°C and we are turning on the fans, lol.
    I have clicked to follow you

  14. So Many BEAUTIFUL pictures! (wow)
    I sure like your pupster . . . 💙
