Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Home-grown vegetables too large for the table!

 I wonder how many to finish this one gourd. A village?

These vegetables and fruits were grown by the road side. Really healthy looking BIG specimens. Wonder if the owner used steroids? 🤣🤣
Banana flower that can be cooked.
Passion fruits,
Luffa gourds that when dried will give me a life-time supply of loofah sponges.

and 4-angle beans.

It was a pity the owner was not around as I really wanted to know the fertiliser he/she used.

Sunday, November 27, 2022


"Have I passed on? Is this the tunnel everyone crosses into the light?" 
"Where did the lights go?" 

"Have I arrived?" "Where is Saint Peter?"

"Wait, I am not alone. There is another with his best friend."
"Ahhh, DOGS do go to Heaven."

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

WHO said Covid-19 is asymptomatic,

is a LIAR! Even these beastly Chinese herbs could not stop the symptoms. 
I had every symptom on the Covid-19 infection list.

 This "cooling" Chinese remedy should have cured the throat but I still ended up at the hospital emergency room for treatment. 
Survived on soups and lost 6 pounds.

But I managed to go to the polls and get my vote in. 
It has been a chaotic many months which started when my laptop "crashed." My old faithful could not be resurrected) and after getting a new one, I could not sign into blogger for a few weeks. Then, blogger registered me as "Beau Bo" in all my comments and still does! 
Covid-19 visited me for a week, my bicycle tyres "pancit" (went flat), the back blinking lights just fell off. Thory had to visit the vet as it appears he has only one "ball," the other one is stuck inside. Savvy Girl got a new job and was crying at lunch and dinner times and not with JOY. 
 So, blogger friends, I apologise for not visiting your posts these few months. But now that I have found a new purpose in life, I will return in between the sitting and snacking.

Friday, November 11, 2022

GOOD FINDS on a morning walk.

 I keep saying the best things in life are free.... and I do mean it.  PERFECT circles made by insects or parasites. I need a pair compasses to draw these. In nature it is free style!

Morning glory 
and yam leaves to spit on. When we were kids before the ipad and smart phones became an inseparable part of us, we used to make big globs of spit onto these waxy leaves and twirl the leaves as fast as we could. The last kid with the spit blob still left on the leaf was CHAMPION! 
The abandoned playground as the pandemic kept the children indoors.
The rains are here and the storks are taking off for shelter. 

Friday, November 4, 2022

Deepavali Better late than Never

We celebrated the Festival of Lights about a week ago on 24th October. 

Colours are always vibrant for this festival celebrated by those of Hindu faith. 
Gizmo Man wanted curry for dinner. Aiyoh, cooking curry with all the pounding and blending of so many spices and chillies is always a nightmare for me.
 See Boy came to the rescue and cooked a rather BIG ikan merah (red snapper) head curry.
 I made a sothi (coconut tomato curry) and bought the fish head, roti (flat breads) and thosai (pancake of fermented ground black gram and rice).
 This family believes in "From the WOK to the TABLE," no need for fancy FOOD plating!
Savvy girl washed the dishes. Thory and Belle ate the scraps. It was a family effort.

Sunday, October 30, 2022


 The monsoons have descended with claps of thunder and bolts of lightning âš¡. Yes, thunderstorms are one of my favourite things. Dawn and evening showers now keep our daily temperatures below 30 C. Our rivers are filled and bursting and that means more fishes to catch.

Bought a new pair of walking shoes. My former "faithful" lived a long and prosperous life and dodging the many puddles in them was impossible now. I only got squishy socks. Looks like I am not the only one thriving in this monsoon season. 

Waking up  to lots of rain-kissed flowers and cool 25 C mornings makes me believe that the good things in life are FREE. 
Have to hurry home as another thunderstorm looks like looming above. 
☔ NO work today?

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

ZOOM meetings and Cooking

simultaneously is not recommended. My lunch went into the bin. It looked carcinogenic! "Hybrid" was generally used to describe a combination of two different species or elements. But now hybrid meetings and discussions have become so acceptable post-pandemic. It has been life changing for me. I had to learn to juggle between face-to-face meetings today, "zooming" in tomorrow and Hi-Five meetings next week. I am evolving.

I took a break from "evolution" and joined a qigong class in Ipoh for 2 days. 

Come, Be well is the tag line for Zhiren Qigong. 
Ohhh... the tagline spoke the truth. 
We put our bodies and minds into action from 8am - 10pm on day 1.
 Our luxury was our one hour lunch and dinner breaks. 
Tea breaks are unheard of in Asia. Whaaaat? Tea break? What is that? Go back to class now.
Day 2 was from 7am - 12 noon. The turn-up was good with about 50 young and mature registrants ready to evolve to be WELL.
The turn-up was so good, some had to practise in the surrounding gardens.
Oh, the moves may look simple but these pictures tell a different story. Ouch, can I put my hands down! 
 Laoshi (teachers) were at hand to give the finer points 
 to stronger bodies and minds. And also to "crack the whip" when the "students" faltered by the wayside! 
"Straighten those hands and roll the wrists."
"Push in those shoulders, 

lift up those palms. 

"Come on bounce, bounce, bounce on your toes and by the way, just have fun.

like Tecla.