Wednesday, January 4, 2023



 It takes the year end to bring out the "gila" (crazy) in people. 

Somehow December feels like the month to let it all go. "We survived another year, last time to let it all hang loose." My qigong friends at our beach party in Pantai Bagan Lalang, Sepang. 

Some did a day trip, others camped over night. This is our Malaysian version of camper vans. 

Nothing quite like Chillin' with Patsy's mobile home aptly called "The Suite." 

Ours is "Room Service - warm and cozy"

I think our Malaysian beach parties are quite different from the West - no alcohol, just water and Chinese tea and childhood games. The sedan chairs or human-powered transport is a poor man's palanquin. It was disastrous as "Humpty Dumpties had great falls." 

The three-legged race was no better - legs were tied using food plastic wraps. 

Then, there was the largest beach hop scotch! 

followed by kites - safest with no jumps or hops. 


  1. You all look to be having a WONDERFUL time. Which is lovely.

  2. suasana yang indah dan fun ya Kak, pantai di Malaysia no alcohol drink dan banyak games party untuk kids...chinese tea juga. Tampak ramah untuk semua kalangan...^^

  3. What fun could be better than this? I love camping or picnicking with family, but it's been a long time since I've had one. Cousins grow up and develop different interests, so we meet up occasionally. I hope you enjoyed the beach party. Have a great year ahead. Happy New Year

  4. Happy New year - sure looks like you all had a great time and yes your party is definitely a lot different from beach parties in the states - always alcohol I least I remember it that way when I was young.

  5. Looks so happy and interesting the way you celebrate new year kak 👍.

    This year, I just felt tired and gloomy when celebrating a new year at times Square New York 🤣🤣. Enough lah, once in a life time saja 😅😅.

    If I knew the situation would be so chaos, better I slept in hotel lah 🤣🤣

  6. You gave me a grand chuckle mentioning my blog! Your camping style is the we all started and i still love and sometimes miss the simplicity, yet fun, of it all!!! I'm still a bit 'gila" regardless of my surroundings!!
    Happy New Year!! Xoxo
