Thursday, April 30, 2020


It is about time too. We have taken their habitat, their food sources and pushed them further away until there is not much left for them. We have locked them up for our pleasure, or for them to serve us. At last, at least for a few months more anyway, the tables have been turned. It is their turn to roam free while we are locked up. 

It was a nice surprise to see this huge monitor lizard just resting in the hot sun in our back yard. It was as big as a komodo dragon. Thank God there was a fence to keep it out.

Monster of a lizard in my backyard

 We never "kill" any of the wild life, just let them move in their own space.

Did you know that monitor lizards can climb? They kinda look heavy and clumsy but they are quite capable of climbing fences in spite of their weight and length. Last year, I walked right into 2 monitor lizards having a feud. I was about 2 feet away in fright and backed off slowly.  I was even more shocked when one climbed over the 7 feet fence, not that I was any danger to it. No book or documentary has ever informed or showed me that monitor lizards could climb. Luckily I had my hand phone to document this or few would believe me.

Komdoa Dragons in Indonesia

    We live beside a small rubber estate so these lizards, monkeys and snakes are common. In fact, we have our own resident junior monitor lizard who lives in our garden. It basks on the rocks in the sun (fantastic camouflage with the rocks) every afternoon and this drives Thory crazy. 

    Savvy K christened it Bobbi (probably after a past boyfriend ...haha.. joking Savvy K, I know you occasionally sneak into my blog).

Thory tries to be friends and looks out for Bobbi every day at the same place. In 2005, an article in New Scientist, a Science and Technology magazine, reported that monitor lizards produce venom, contrary to past belief that their bites only cause bacterial infections.

OK Thory, you cannot be besties with Bobby. I suggest a long distance relationship. But he won't listen!!

Video taken from Whatsapp


  1. I have been thrilled to see the animals reclaiming the world. As you say, they have had the short end of the straw for two long. I didn't realise that monitor lizards could climb, but our goannas (which also can get fairly large) are experts.
    Love your dog keeping watch - and a safe distance.

    1. was quite surprised to read that goannas are a protected species in Australia, not here in Malaysia.

  2. Even the animals need the social distancing like thory and bobbi here. haha… though every life is precious, we can’t appreciate this change quite from the sufferings and deaths of lot. We should have kept thoughts of wildlife and environment when sought our comfort and I think this outbreak is also the peak of harmful we do to the earth and now it’s returning us and confined to home to help others experience the lands they left out. That monitor lizard looks scary and such wild animals around home will at least hold people inside. haha… thanks for the visit

    1. I agree we have learnt quite a bit from this period, that wild life is indeed precious and we should share our world with them.

  3. Thory and Bobby need to socially distance. Even a mask wouldn't be much help.

    1. Glad Thory cannot climb up the rocks cos he looks out for Bobbi every day, have to train him to understand social distancing as you suggested
