A much sort after number plate is 138 which means "born to prosperity"
This car definitely does not belong to a Chinese
Even house numbers are changed to avoid the sound of DEATH. In Malaysia, houses are numbered with even numbers on one side and odd numbers on the opposite side. Thus, the first house No. 2 is followed by house No. 4, then No. 6... Here, house No. 4 has been changed to No. 2A. So the house numbers are No. 2, No 2A, No. 6, No.8... down the road.
We are definitly a superstitious lot - my friend's father forbade her to buy a Suzuki or Daihatsu, 2 car models that have small engines that are affordable. Why? "Su" means "to loose" in Chinese. It even went to the extend that we did not openly carry books around her house on days that her dad bought his lottery tickets (Chinese have an affinity for gambling too...) as the Chinese word for books is also prounced "su." But, he placed great emphasis on books and studies, is a fantastic dad, and gave us pocket money (when his lottery number wins a prize) for ice creams and junk food. We enjoyed hanging out in her place, just extra careful on lottery days.
House No. 34 has been changed to No. 32A