It had been one rough week at work, one of those where however much you complete and stack into the Out-tray, the In-tray doesn't seem to reduce in volume. Anyway it's Father's day today in Malaysia. I though I'd better state "in Malaysia," cos' Mother's Day seems to be celebrated on different dates internationally. I am not sure whether we follow the British or American dates, but as long as we have a day, it does not matter when.
In my previous posts, I mentioned I have a wonderful neighbour who cooks and bakes like a professional chef. Jeanny sends over dinner meals, cheese cakes, breads, chocolate cakes, fruit cakes, local delicacies and even smoothies. She is a real Gordon Ramsay without the colourful language. In addition to all that, she even takes MartianGirl out to movies and lunch together with her daughter during the school breaks.
So for Father's Day, Jeanny baked two heart shaped butter cakes, got the two girls together in her kitchen to decorate the cakes for their fathers. Isn't that fantastic? I returned from work to a lovely cake in the fridge. MartianGirl was so proud of her work, she must have opened the fridge a hundred times to look. Of course GismoMan was estatic with the cake, he took all the photos and proudly announced it was the most beautiful cake he had ever had... blah, blah .... and that his wife (me!!) had never baked or decorated a more lovely cake...and promptly took us all out for dinner. It was Father's Day and he paid for dinner cos he was so pleased! I am not complaining... I had a lovely dinner..Burp, excuse me.