SAMUEL ISAIAH - top ten finalist for the GOLBAL TEACHER PRIZE

SAMUEL ISAIAH - top ten finalist for the GOLBAL TEACHER PRIZE
Hey, not the smoking kind but the ‘pests’
that grow so luxuriously in my garden. Ahh, I sit on a plastic sheet,
and drag my butt through the garden. The blue stool is to rest my back every so often. Malaysia is now in 2nd lock down, 3rd wave. I'm really "sian" (bored and tired). No more excuses that I could not do anything during the pandemic. The garden needs a face lift, and frankly SO DO I. Easier to start with the garden!
I do have some blooming flowers , my bougainvilleas,
and CHIVES! Sure you are not pulling out your veggies.” AH, If only.
Now I understand why she morphs from a lady to a cussing monster every summer as she tackles her weeds in Melbourne, Australia. Oh, I heard her swearing to ‘thy kingdom come’ as I squatted close by helping her.
Thory, my faithful companion just sits by me and laughs as I weed for 2 hours every morning after my walk.
Malaysians' acceptance of Covid-19 vaccination. Source: Health Ministry's survey, 21 - 28 Dec, 2020.
TO BE or NOT TO BE vaccinated? Firstly, we need not agonise over which vaccine to take as this will be decided by the governments of each country. We CANNOT hand pick the vaccine, but we CAN choose if we want to be vaccinated as no country has made vaccination mandatory.
Some facts on WHO listed Covid-19 vaccines minus the
scientific jargon:
1. IMMUNITY: Vaccines trigger our immune system to produce antibodies and protect us against covid-19. After vaccination, our immune system is able to recognise Covid-19 when we become expose to it, and keep us from getting sick. BUT, becos’ these vaccines are so new, we have NO data on how long this immunity will last. Months or years? Do we need revaccination? Current studies also measured whether vaccinated people develop symptoms NOT if they get infected, thus the trials did not take into account if Covid-19 vaccines can PREVENT asymptomatic infections (i.e. a vaccinated person can still become infected, show NO symptoms and spread the virus in the community).
CANNOT get covid-19 from the vaccines as NONE of the vaccines are LIVE vaccines.
Pfizer-BioNTech (US/Germany)and Moderna (US/Switzerland) use a mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) - based technology that has Never been used before. mRNA is entirely different from our DNA which is the blueprint of life. The covid-19 mRNA injected directs our cells to produce a viral protein that will
trigger our immune system. Human cells then break down the mRNA, thus the mRNA CANNOT interact or change our DNA. The reported severe allergic reactions that have been associated
with these two vaccines are due to a molecule (PEG) present in the vaccine. PEG is also present in our daily
goods like toothpaste and shampoos. About 72% of individuals have at least some
antibodies against PEG according to a 2016 study. About 7% have a level that
may be high enough to cause them to have potentially life-threatening allergic
Singapore's PM receiving his first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech, 8 January.
Thus, Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are NOT recommended for people with
a history of severe reactions to previous other vaccines. If you are not sure,
stay for 30mins at the vaccination site (I will definitely be doing this). Both vaccines are about 95% effective after 2
full doses (21 days apart) in preventing symptomatic covid-19 infections. The minus point of
these two vaccines is storage requires very low temperatures at -700C
in expensive (RM70 - 80,000) ultra-low freezers. Cost of Pfizer-BioNTech: USD20/dose; Moderna: USD50/2 doses. Countries using: US, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia.
AstraZeneca (UK/India) has been selected by India which has the world’s second highest number of cases, >10.2 million. It uses an established viral-vector (carrier) technology, example same as in the hepatitis B vaccine (Ad-HBV). This technology introduces a different genetically modified virus (adenovirus) as a carrier to produce covid-19 proteins to trigger our immune system. AstraZeneca is 70% (62-90%) effective. The plus point of this vaccine is it can be stored in the refrigerator at 40 C which makes vaccination in rural communities feasible. Thus, it is not surprising that Malaysia’s Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation has recommended
Indonesian football supporters in support of vaccination, Solo, Central Java.
CoronaVac (China) is Indonesia's choice with a confirmed order of three million doses. Indonesia has the worst covid-19 outbreak in Southeast Asia. CoronaVac is an inactivated viral vaccine. This means that an inactive and safe form of covid-19 is introduced into our bodies to trigger our immune system. CoronaVac has more than 50% efficiency. Storage is at 40 C. Cost: USD50/2 doses. Countries using: Indonesia, Malaysia (negotiating),
Sputnik V (Russia) is a viral vector vaccine where the covid-19 gene coding for the S spike protein is inserted into the adenovirus carrier. It has a 92% efficiency and 2 doses must be taken. Storage at 40 C. Cost: USD10/dose. Countries using: Vietnam, Laos, Algeria, Bolivia, Malaysia (negotiating).
Even though ten vaccines have been listed by WHO for current use, none of the Covid 19 vaccines have been officially certified for safety or effectiveness.
Will the current vaccines work against the new covid-19 variants?
“Vaccines are still useful as viruses mutate constantly, but typically not in the ways that would render a vaccine useless,” Dr. Schaffner, an advisor to the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. So, these current vaccines will NOT be totally ineffective. But four new covid-19 strains have already emerged. WHO states that covid-19 is a disease that will be continuously present in the population. Thus, I think, like the flu vaccine, new updated covid-19 vaccines will have to be produced continuously to keep up with the variants.
What is Herd Immunity? HELP, I AM depending on this situation to avoid vaccination.
When the majority a population has been vaccinated and becomes immune to a particular disease, even those who are not immune are considered protected because the likelihood of an outbreak is low. Herd immunity has been achieved in diseases like chickenpox, measles, polio and mumps as a result of mandatory vaccination in children. Alas, WHO issued a statement, "We are NOT going to achieve herd immunity in 2021," even with worldwide mass vaccination. Damn it! Sorry but I am angry!
as opposed to "Winter is coming."
Friends helping Fariz Izuan Ibrahim to move horses from his stable in Kelantan.
The East coast monsoon is upon us and umbrellas are USELESS. Why? With
continuous rain for 48 hours
or more and daily thunderstorms, nothing keeps us dry except staying indoors.
Malaysia sees 2 monsoon seasons annually. The
north-east monsoon blows in during November to March onto the east coast of Malaysia.
13,264 victims evacuated in Chukai Terengganu, 8th January. Flooding
is NOT a new Norm during this period, flooding has ALWAYS been
the Norm during these months of ruthless
rains in the eastern states of Kelantan, Terengganu and
Our second monsoon season, the south-west monsoon blows in around May to October, but onto the west coast instead. During this season, we do not have continuous rains, but the violent thunderstorms arrive punctually around 1600 hours, just when offices are wrapping up for the day. I kid you not, Mother Nature keeps to her time and is seldom late with the rains. During this period, I always begin work early at 6.30am, forfeit my tea breaks and take very quick lunches. It is a mad dash out from the lab when the first peal of thunder rumbles at 4pm. I have to get home safely before the roads turned into molten lava of muddy waters and traffic just stands still. Those caught in these swirling waters reach home at the earliest, past 9pm. The unlucky ones are caught together with flood waters INSIDE their cars. Flash floods