Took my car in this morning for its 40,000 km maintenance service. Servicing was due in March during
the height of lock down. When the Movement Control Order was lifted, I was
still not ready to face Covid-19 outside. But last week, when the brakes started to creak
and Gizmo Man rumbled and grumbled louder than the brakes, I was forced to
take action. Ha, of course nothing was the same as it was in the “Old World.”
All cars formed a queue outside. Personal
details were recorded and my forehead zapped for temperature reading
before I was allowed to
enter the service centre.
Each car was then directed into a specific Disinfection Zone. A service advisor stood beside my door as I stepped out, took my key and handed me a
form where my signature was required.

This Honda service centre was BUSY.
Cars were thoroughly drenched both outside 
and inside
with high powered blasts of
disinfectant, nothing like those piss-weak squirts.
"Hey, wait up, my lunch is in the back seat!"
With social
distancing practised at customer service counters, 
I spied the one table, and rushed to park my bum.

All other tables were stacked away due to limited space, since the one metre "stay away from thy neighbour" rule is compulsory in Malaysia.
Out came my sanitiser and wet
wipes as I scrubbed the table top. No taking chances, Covid-19 you ain’t
coming anywhere near me. SOPs followed, I settled for the 4 hour wait
minus the unlimited coffee, latte, cappuccino ☕ or hot chocolate from the
dispenser. WHAT? NO MORE 🍩 pastries 🥐, curry puffs and
“nasi lemak” with the current SOPs! But don’t mess with us scientists, we are always prepared for Murphy's Law.
I had packed swiss roll, banana cake, lollies and hot coffee for breakfast.
Tsk, tsk, this "brilliant" scientist forgot she can’t eat with the mandatory mask wearing rule. Sigh of despair, NO breakfast.
I have to give a FIVE STAR ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ rating to Honda Service Centre PJ 4S - Tenaga Setia Resources Sdn. Bhd. for their SOPs to safe guard their customers. The day before my appointment, I was politely instructed by phone as to the rules I was expected to follow when servicing my car. Servicing was highly professional and well organised in spite of the continuous flow of customers.
As soon as I parked my car, service advisor Mr Tee Zhi Han, was already standing outside my door with clear instructions on what to do. It was like having a smiling 🧑 personal butler as he updated me frequently during the 4 hours.
During this coronavirus pandemic period where many of us are still cautious in carrying out "normal" activities, it is reassuring that Tenaga Setia Resources Sdn. Bhd. have implemented a safe and comfortable environment for car maintenance services.